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Image by Nick Perez

Student Code of Conduct

Terms, Policies, and Conditions we exercise to offer the best service possible.

Our Standards

Standards of conduct are important in our virtual (online) classroom environments. Treat Latimer Tuition like you would a physical school. Appropriate student behaviour is expected. To ensure that all students and their families understand the behavioural expectations and norms for an online environment, all students are expected to follow the Student Code of Conduct.

The Student Code of Conduct addresses students’ online interactions with Latimer Tuition staff, and other students as well as students’ individual actions. The Student Code of Conduct is intended to complement, not replace, existing regulations and policies, including those related to acceptable use, social media, electronic communications and data security. The following expectations apply to all lessons students participate in at Latimer Tuition.

Students are expected to use respectful language when speaking and when communicating verbally or through text and/or chat features. Students are not to use obscene, profane, threatening and/or disrespectful language or images in any communication with Latimer Tuition staff, and/or other students.

What We Expect

All communication with other students must be course-related (or class-related) in nature and must be polite, courteous and respectful. The sending of unsolicited emails and/or messages to other classmates is prohibited. Students are prohibited from communicating with staff through "unofficial" contact mediums. Contact information is provided to the student and/or parent where applicable and ONLY these communication channels should be used.

To aid in the delivery of engaging lessons, students are encouraged to turn on their cameras while synchronous instruction is taking place. If/when this is not possible, a student self-photo, or “selfie,” should be used, so that they are easily recognizable to others. 

Students must use a self-photo, or “selfie,” and video feed background that is appropriate for an educational environment. Latimer Tuition administration reserve the right to determine if a profile picture and/or video feed background is inappropriate. Students using an inappropriate profile picture or video feed background will be required to update their settings.

Students are expected to be dressed appropriately for all synchronous lessons.

During synchronous instruction, students are encouraged to find a quiet space where they will not be distracted from learning. Items that reveal personal information should be moved out of camera range. 

Students are prohibited from sharing or posting videos (synchronous and/or asynchronous), pictures, or copies of either student-generated or teacher work on social media, gaming networks, or elsewhere online. 

Students are prohibited from accessing the synchronous instruction for any class they are not scheduled to attend. 

Recordings of synchronous lessons must be viewed by students in a private setting that is not accessible to the public. 

Students will be notified prior to the streaming or recording of instruction.

No teacher or administrator will be required to stream or record instruction for a student’s illness or absence. 

The integrity and authenticity of student work is taken seriously. Latimer Tuition does not offer homework, essay or exam completion services.

Security and safety are a high priority, especially when the system involves many users. If you identify a security and/or safety problem in Latimer Tuition's educational platform, notify

Disciplinary Action

Latimer Tuition students are subject to all local, state, and federal laws governing the Internet. Consequently, staff and administration will cooperate fully with local, state, or federal officials in any investigation related to illegal activities conducted through Internet access.

In the event there is a claim that a student has violated this policy, the student (and parents/guardians where applicable) will be notified of the suspected violation and given an opportunity to present an explanation.

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